why are sister so mean to there younger ones?
2006-04-26 09:17:01 UTC
why are sister so mean to there younger ones?
Five answers:
2006-04-26 09:19:46 UTC
My older sister told me once when we were young that she was jealous of me...use to tease me about being just a baby all the time (being 7yrs younger). And now days I get to tease her for being 7 years OLDER...haha
2006-04-26 16:18:04 UTC
I was a younger sister and it was awful. But don't worry, you will end up being best friends before you know it. I just lost my older sister and it was awful. So, just love her and be patient! :)
2006-04-26 16:55:36 UTC
its no that we want to be mean..its just sometimes little sisters can be such a pain..I mean don't you get annoyed with your older sister sometimes too?!?1 its natural..but in the end y'all are sisters and love each other..I soo mean to my little sister sometimes but she knows I love her and I will do little things to show her that more then me being mean.and sometimes it sucks bc the yonger ones get spoiled my sister and I arte 9 yrs apart. so I have to pay for everything and she gets whatever she wants!!
2006-04-26 16:24:12 UTC
lol my mom asks me the same the older one and i have a younger sis whose 13 and im 19 i pretty much treat her like s h i t. but i have a bro whose 27 and i look up to him and we get along real good.
2006-04-26 16:20:08 UTC
Its important to rotate your tires.

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